The picture really does say it all. Funny, Outrageous (no, not the song!), adorable, seemingly clever & perhaps the only living beings in the world who know the power of what a puppy face & a melt-worthy look can do to a poor, unsuspecting human heart… Brace yourself people, you’re in for one hell of a trip!!!! Welcome to the world of animals.
They come in all sorts of sizes, but the one thing they know how to do is have their way, hands down, 100%. And you can’t really blame them; it’s those droopy soulful eyes that beseech you to do as they want!! Anyone who has a pet at home knows what I’m talking about!
They can walk around the house like they own it (and to be honest with you, they do!) cuddle next to you when they want (key word: WHEN THEY WANT) and demand for food and walks like nobody’s business. Got a favorite couch? Fuh-get-about-it.. Your pet takes it while you stand and watch. Want to eat in peace? Not until you give him a bite of what you’re eating. Oh wait.. Two bites.. No lets make that three… and before you know it, he’s eating the plate right off your hands.
Ah- ha! The TV! Your pet doesn’t even know what a TV is. Hehehehehe.. There’s one thing your pet can’t stop you from doing.. REALLY?? Think again my friend.. See that little face that parked himself right in front of the TV?? Yup, that’s your pet… how dare you watch TV when you could be doing other useful things, for example take me for a nice long walk outside….
Remember those lazy Sundays, where you just feel like sleeping in late, huddled under the blanket? Not for long!!! A big paw with sharp toenails punches you on your face.. Reminding you that it’s a beautiful day outside and he/she needs to go for the much-waited walk. “How could you not? I’ve been waiting for you to wake up all night!!” And reluctantly you drag yourself out of bed.. Put on the leash and out you go.. But all your grumpiness fades away when you watch your pet happily chasing after early morning butterflies and birds…. Until an earth-shattering shriek breaks your reverie: he’s bitten the neighbor again…. Time to start apologizing profusely for something that was not your fault in the first place!!!
But as tiresome as all of this seems, it adds more value to that speechless being that we can ever imagine…. And in return you get un-conditional, un-matched compassion, which is sometimes more than you can get from most human beings caught up in their own web of emotions. No matter what kind of person you are.. no one else would ever greet you at your front door the way a pet does.
And for most of us who can’t have a pet at home for various reasons, I encourage all of you to at least adopt a stray on the road.. You don’t need to invite him home.. But you can give him love and compassion. You can treat the animal well… a kind word won’t get you to lose anything… for all the time and money you spend eating at the local tuck shop or bakery, share some of the goodies with these animals… they will always remember your kindness…. And if you feel like buying them food id too much to handle, at least watch out for them.. Don’t let anyone mis-treat them. Don’t kick them out of your way.. They may not be able to speak, but they sure can feel and their eyes will tell you a story….. You just need to listen….
What say.. mind blowing..