Thursday, January 21, 2010

Excuse ME for wanting a career!!!!!

As much as nothing should surprise anyone ANYMORE, I still do a double take when I meet or hear about self proclaimed-educated-vain-self obsessed-excuses for men who, as is custom, believe the world and their laurels rest on the heads of their penile area. I wrack my brain trying to figure out if the male species is without hope, except for a few that bravely wear the tag( MALE). Before you judge me for ranting about this peculiar species or believe that I am a feminist ( I AM NOT), let me explain:
Normally, as you prepare yourself for an interview that you believe could do wonders for your career ( yes, WOMEN are ALLOWED to have careers psycho), you have the usual thoughts running through your mind. Like, how to present your accomplishments in true light and convincing your interviewer that you are indeed right for the job. I would assume that sounds just about on the right track don't you think? Well apparently not if you're a woman. A friend of mine just had the displeasure of being propositioned for sexual favors in exchange for a job. SO, this entails that a woman:
a) Cannot get a job based on her Merits
b) Must always be grateful to a man for giving her a job
c) Must gratify a man's needs in order to push through in her career
d) Must always feel like she owes men favors just because she deems herself fit to do a job.
Before you jump your guns, let me say- i agree that all men are not the same & many of them wouldn't even dream of taking this route. In fact my friend thought so too. In fact, the man in question was older than her father. So much so that she didn't even realize she was being propositioned until she spoke to me.
Lesson1- Never judge a man by his age. He could be a jerk regardless of how much he has or has not seen the world.
Lesson2- Never underestimate the lows that a man can fall to, all for a chance to get laid.
Lesson3- All men cannot be categorized as one. Just because Ur dad is a great guy, doesn't mean some other man of the same age is great.
Lesson4- Just because you believe in yourself and your ambitions and achievements, doesn't mean a man is not going to think of you a piece of ass.
I am without a doubt angry that this still happens in what we believe to be a free world. I am saddened that it all comes down to one thing after all, as much as we'd like to disagree. I AM NOT on a mission to insult men. I'm telling it like it is. Take it or leave, this is truth 100%


  1. hmmm intersting piece of work...

  2. It's been a long time since I've read anything as intensive as this piece of writing. Apart from the deepest feelings your writings convey, it also reflects a deep feeling of anger. You're gonna be surprised to read this - but you are only angry at yourself for being YOU! Let go of the anger, girl! The world is a much better place than you think. The jerks will always be around but are they important enough to even deserve a reaction from you? Nice people still live on this planet-if you don't believe me, go look in the mirror! - OOgWay

  3. Dear Anonymous ( John i knew this was u all along :-)),

    It's true there are good souls on this planet 4 sure, I never said the whole lot is bad. As for being angry for being ME.. nope, ur wrong. I am venting at the inflated egos of the male species and when something's not right, u can either pay attention to it and kick it into oblivion, or stay mum and believe it will go away ( which by the way, it won't). So there!

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  5. i am agreeing to your points here as i have see couple of these species like this in my life !! Thanks for not generalizing it !! And Life must go on !! You know as well i know that obstacles are bound to happen other wise there is no fun in challenging this world, am rite Divya? Cheers and Have fun !! Still can't believe that you didn't like " Long Island Ice Tea "
