I just watched a few episodes of one of my favorite reality TV shows "The Hills". And it got me thinking. What makes women behave the way they do when it comes to the men in their lives? And why do so many friendships between women dissolve when there is a man involved. Sometimes it's because the object of both their affections is the same man. But instead of finding strength in each other, the friendship falls apart.Then there are those, who, after years of being what they now call BFF's cannot be in the same room with each other because the air is cloaked with deception & lies. The age old affliction of a friend secretly making very manipulated moves on her friend's suitor and then living in denial.
So two friends who could never imagine their lives without each other, are now suddenly at logger heads- possibly for a man who doesn't want either of them!
Sometimes, women defend the men in their lives with such conviction, that strong friendships turn capricious & fickle- like what happened on the TV show "The Hills". Sometimes, a friend believes the other half doesn't care for the friendship anymore, because one of them has a mate and the other doesn't.
Such vagaries seem childlike. and yet, this happens all the time.
Why is that such seemingly soulful bonds snap like crackers at the first sign of a man? Some say this happens because the foundation is not strong enough & a little change of weather causes all sorts of disasters. Perhaps this is true. Viewed from the outside, this behavior seems baffling. And yet, is oft repeated. All modern friendships at least, resound with the unspoken aphorism- "We love each other, as long as she doesn't take what's mine".
Arguments can be found aplenty; while everyone believes they want to follow whats good and right, the scales can tip either ways. Is it right for a friend to cross the boundaries and dip into the water's of what's clearly not her's? Is it wrong for someone to go after what they truly want just because someone else wants it too? Is it wrong for a friend to feel torn up when facing this situation? Or will it only seem right if the aggrieved one let's go of the hurt and betrayal for the sake of friendship?
At the offset, most women want to believe that they are above & beyond such anti-social graces, but reality seems a far cry from this belief.
The dream is to see women rise above such frivolities, to find strength in their relationships with each other, as confidantes,stronger than the rocks of Gibraltar, ready to face everything the world throws at them- together. Without Malice and with purity empowering the very souls of what they were truly meant to be- Kindred spirits.